А вот 4 болгарина, 5 армян и сколько-то тайваньцев с золотыми медалями... похоже, там никто без медали не ушёл

Bulgarian students win 4 medals at the International Physics Olympiad in Tokyo
published on 7/17/23 3:11 PM
Four bronze medals and one honorary diploma were awarded to Bulgarian students at the 53rd edition of the International Physics Olympiad, which was held in Japan from 10 to 17 July.

Armenian students win five medals at International Physics Olympiad
n Siranush Ghazanchyan S July 17,2023,13:50	H Less than a minute
Armenian students won five medals at the 53rd International Physics Olympiad held in Tokyo, Japan, on July 10-17. Representatives of more than 80

Science & Tech
Taiwan team finishes 5th at 2023 International Physics Olympiad
07/17/2023 06:44 pm	f ¥	+	► Listen
Closing Ceremony
The 53rd International Physics Olympiad
Taiwanese students (from third right to seventh right) who competed in the 2023

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